Every poetry book featured on Poesie is automatically eligible for our annual Reader's Choice Poetry Prize. This prize is entirely funded by and voted on by members of the Poesie poetry club. The amount of the prize varies by year, depending on our annual revenue from subscribers. There are no strings attached - the prize money is sent directly to the poet or representative publisher. Voting lasts from August-September, and prize money is awarded towards the end of the calendar year.
Past Winners
2024: Hannah Lowe, whose collection The Kids (Bloodaxe Books, 2021) was featured in September 2023. This year's award prize was $5,000.
Learn more about Hannah Lowe at her website, and view information about the book over at Bloodaxe Books.
The runner-up was Nii Ayikwei Parkes, for his book The Geez (Peepal Tree Press, 2020).
2023: Stella Corso, whose collection Tantrum (Rescue Press, 2017) was featured in August 2023. This year's award prize was $5,000.
Learn more about Stella Corso at the website, and view information about the book over at Rescue Press.
2022: Elizabeth Bradfield, whose collection Interpretive Work (Red Hen Press, 2008) was featured in June 2022. This year's award prize was $7,500.
Learn more about Elizabeth Bradfield at her website, and view information about the book over at Red Hen Press.
A close runner-up was Ladan Osman, whose collection Exiles of Eden (Coffee House Press, 2019) was featured in October 2021.
Want to participate?
Poets: In order to participate in our poetry prize, we'll need to feature your work on the Poesie app. First, we'll sign a contract with your publisher to obtain permissions for adding your poems to our app. Once you've been featured on our app, you'll automatically be included in the voting options for that year's prize.
Readers: All Poesie subscribers are allowed to vote in our poetry prize! This past year, voting was held during the month of September and the winner was announced in October. Each voter was allowed to vote for up to 3 of their books featured in the past year.